Dana S.
Thank you Dr. Arayeh, we’re all nicer and more loved than before

If you’re looking for higher consciousness information regarding parenting or relationships, you’re in the right place.
I came to Dr. Arayeh struggling with parenting one 6-year-old son, and a poor relationship with his father. Needs were unmet, proper communication was lacking and we were all in a regular cycle of abusive words and thoughts. Throughout 6 sessions of 1 hour, valuable information regarding the fight-flight brain, children’s needs, conscious communication, mindful breathing, Pause method, and stages of change, were shared via the phone videos and texts. All very important information to help love and nurture children (all humans really) and helped my son’s dad and I see and tend to our child in more supportive ways.

I’d absolutely recommend taking sessions to improve parenting/relationships, I tell my friends and family how valuable Dr. Arayeh’s info is and encourage them to invest in themselves. Money and time well spent.

Thank you Dr. Arayeh, we’re all nicer and more loved than before. And when I inevitably go back to my unconscious ways sometimes, I don’t stay near as long.