• Corporates Service
    • Mindfulness Training

American Institute of Stress states that, 80% of workers feel stress on the job and nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress. Research also shows unmanaged stress at work reduces job performance, increases healthcare cost, and impairs collegial relationships, communications, and decision-making processes. Studies reveal mindfulness practices reduce employee stress, improve well-being, enhance productivity, and decrease employers’ costs benefiting both employees and employers. In this Corporate Mindfulness Training, employees and leaders will learn:


  • What is mindfulness
  • What are the benefits of mindfulness in the workplace
  • What is mind-wandering and how can it decrease productivity
  • Why are daily mindfulness routines important
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • One-minute mindful breathing microbreaks at work
  • Brief stress reduction meditation at work
  • Goal setting meditation
  • Breathing and somatic exercises to increase vitality and clarity of the mind
  • Conscious communication and active listening
Corporates Services
Mindfulness and Productivity Training
Mindfulness tools for the workplace
Handling emotional triggers
Brief stress reduction tools
Conscious communication
Active listening
Conflict resolution tools
Tools to increase productivity