Al Batinga
Al Batinga
In the sea of problem-solvers, Dr. Arayeh is exceptional!

Dr. Arayeh transformed our group! We did a workshop with her this past Saturday, and we got more immediate feedback than we have had with our previous 4 workshops. All of it positive with high praise! The three of us who spearheaded this workshop met directly after and felt the exact same way: The wisdom and delivery of this seemingly fundamental topic – mindfulness – was not only top-notch but above and beyond our previous scope. I’ve taught Emotional Intelligence with a component being mindfulness, but we are not in the same league. When you are in a workshop and every few sentences you receive an “aha” moment it says much since I’ve been in business for over 20 years.

I could not recommend Dr. Arayeh’s content more wholeheartedly. I’ve attended dozens of workshops through the years and can honestly say she is exceptional. I’ve been part of Tony Robbin’s 3-day weekend, Jim Rohn’s event, Les Brown’s, and many others and this truly stands out because it was not only motivational but very practical. She gave us techniques that we can do immediately; some of which have already made an impact on me within 24 hours.

I can think of the possibilities for her content in many of my fields: military, government, small and Fortune businesses as well as startups (my current venture) and I see the straight-line application to higher productivity to include more contentedness, less stress, and overall efficiency as well as effectiveness.

In the sea of problem-solvers, Dr. Arayeh is exceptional; actually, a more descriptive way to herald her is truly transformational: the kind of transformation that is game-changing. Thank you again Dr. Arayeh!